Channeling Brahmanandam

The play: Can ChatGPT channel its inner Brahmanadam? And would it generate something Brahmi would approve?

For those thinking “what, who or why is Brahmanandam?”: A flavour of South Indian cinematic experience that defies definition. You could Google it, but really, it defies Googling as well, if you don’t already know it from first hand experience with Telugu filmdom.

I said… then YouKnowWhat said…

I am not sure this would make it to a final Brahmi cut… but I can imagine it almost working! I am super genuinely impressed. It is sooo in the right direction. For all you know, the average script Brahmi is given probably reads like this. And the man takes a bunch of words and turns it into magic that greases the wheels of all Tollywood.

C’mon comedy is tough even for humans, let alone YouKnowWhat. Plus an acceptable culturally-embedded comedy script in a non-English language… Brahmanandam’s part of the “Internet’s Source Code” now. Telugu movie peeps…. work this into some script already!!!

The last laugh however is YouKnowWhat crashing while translating the Telugu back to English! That is a processing glitch, right? Or was ChatGPT having a bad day itself and worked that in, tongue-in-cheek??

Tech Specs:

  • ChatGPT 4 + Speak Plugin
  • Iterations: 1
  • Fine-tuning: 0


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